Web Hosting Service
What You Need To Know
Choosing a Hosting Service
Web hosting is an online service that enables you to publish your website or web application on the internet. When you sign up for a web hosting service, you basically rent some space on a physical server where you can store all the files and data necessary for your website to work properly.
The most common types of web hosting available are shared hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated server, and cloud hosting.
But for the most part if you want to save money to start with, you will be on a shared server and upgrade when it is time.
Virtual Private Server also works as the name suggest. Here the Server is virtually divided into other small servers which are acting as a dedicated server for an individual website hosted on the same VPS server. All these things is virtual because in reality, they are sharing the same resources.
Here the root level access can be achieved at own virtual space. Security level at VPS can be improved as compared to Shared Web Hosting but still, it’s hard to manage high traffic and performance can also be affected by other sites.
Those who are looking for a Dedicated Server with some more servers level access but don’t want to invest more, this is the best option for them
Dedicated Server Web Hosting means your only website is stored on the server and you have the maximum control over your Web Server. This facility is given to you because you only pay the rent for the entire Dedicated Server.
These servers are very expensive and are recommended to those who really need the maximum control over the server.
There are different criteria which you should take into consideration while selecting your web host. I have been using interServer.net for some years now and it has been top notch when it comes to tech support and service.
Click the link below to get your hosting services.
After you have choosen your web hosting service, BITWC can help you build your website (CMS) system.
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