Social Media

What You Need To Know

Adding Social Media to your website will help!

Adding Social Media to your website will help! Here is just a quick look at 3 important things you should do. 

  • Linking makes the sharing and linking process more convenient.
  • Your links expand your brand reach and awareness through the users networks.
  • Your links will help increase the people who subscribe and follow you.

Link building: It makes sense that you want to get quality links pointing back to your website, but why would you link away from it? Distributing content increases the chances that someone will find your content and link to it outside of social media, like on a blog. The mention of your brand an products is a signal to the search engines that improves your presence.

You should have social media icons on your website -, SEO is a big undertaking but it can be done with some research. I could spend days writing about this but Learning SEO will help you improve your overall digital presence and give you some understanding on the process.  Although it may sound backwards, adding links to your social channels from your website actually helps increase the chance that users will find your website when they search on Google, Bing, Yahoo! and other engines.